Good news!

How are you doing? 

Im glad to hear that Karl got back safely for Yolanda :) Sister Zeller asked me to tell her about my sister and I told her all about how shes super smart and funny and she got her concealed handgun license and the truck has a gunrack and her and karl like to go dancing and she has 2 dogs that she considers children. :) haha, Texan much? 
About what happened this week:
GOOD NEWS :) Joyce and Janderson got married this week and Joyce was baptized :) Joyce is wonderful. She´s one of those people that you want to always know because it feels good being around them. Shes an example to the rest of the family :) for her confirmation in church, her mom, and the parents of Janderson showed up at church for the first time. We want to teach the rest of the family and keep seeing them in church, because of Joyce, theyll definitely accept someday.
This week we also went to ``centro`` with a member, Talinda and took some pics at the cathedral. Talinda is really sassy but an awesome member to take to lessons cuz she treats the investigator like theyre already friendsThis week I learned a little more about grace. Earlier in the week I was feeling kindof overwhelmed like, you know those moments when you just feel like a screwup? Or like youre not reaching what you could be? I felt like that, so I asked sister zeller, what do you do when you feel like you have a lot of faults? and she said pray, and study about the life of jesus christ. and I was like... prayer, of course!  and she gave me a talk from brad wilcox, ``his grace is sufficient`` if you wanna google it. it really helped me a lot.
Actually, you really should check out the talk, its elevating. He talks about how grace isnt just at the end, when you put in your best and grace fills in the rest, grace is at the beginning, with you through it all, and at the end. Everywhere in the repentence process, the grace of Jesus Christ is there for us. That the point of repentence is change.
I love learning about repentence because it gives me hope, more motivation to remember, if i keep trying, ill become who Heavenly Father wants me to be. 
The second thing she said about study the life of jesus christ. sometimes i think studying about the life of jesus christ is like praying when you dont feel like it. Thats when you reallly should be praying :p so when im a little overwhelmed about imperfection sometimes im like... studying about jesus christ is just gonna make me feel guilty at how imperfect i am. Thats embarrassing to admit because that thought is so WRONG. Studying about Jesus Christ is where you learn and little by little realize that He´s the only way that I can get from where I´m at, to where I need to be, and get the hope, and faith sufficient to do it. To make the change, repent, and progress. Brad Wilcox compares Jesus Christ and the atonement to a mom who buys her son piano lessons. The lessons are already paid for, and the teacher is provided. Now you can practice to show your appreciation. Is the mom going to get paid back? She gets paid back by seeing her child´s improvement, so the kid needs to practice. In other words, I´ve got to practice :p so that I can improve, and show appreciation for Jesus Christ that he paid for me. Please read the talk :) it explains it better than I can. 
Im really grateful to be a missionary :) and to have you guys as my family, and to have left from such a good ward. Its a really big support. 
Thanks for everything :) I love you!
Sister Miess

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